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    Thank you so very much for visiting my website and maybe finding out a little bit more about me and my books.

    As you can probably tell, I write lots of different kinds of children's books so hopefully, you may find something here that you will enjoy. Writing has to be one of the most fun jobs in the world, and I have such a wonderful time making up magical worlds, daring adventures and such fun and friendly characters.

    Just go ahead and click on whatever takes your fancy from the menu bar at the top of this page, and maybe you will find your next favourite story.

    Want to find out what I've been up to recently? Then feel free to check out my blog as well.

    Also if you want to reach out to me, ask a question or find out more about my school visits, then please click on 'Contact' from the menu above.


    A super book for kids and big kids alike. I loved reading this book with my daughter who adored it, and we can't wait for the next one.

    Alex Brown - Bestselling Author


    A perceptive and purrrrfect story, for young cat lovers, that makes you paws (!) for thought about why


    your cat is behaving the way it is. Great fun!


    Samantha Tongue - Bestselling Author



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